June 2023 Blog


   Pastor Yasir from Markala/Segou area of Mali went to three Bozo villages and reported no visible fruit from his labor. He did have some good interactions with chiefs, however. The first chief from Youssou kadaga reported he was very honored for the privilege for his community to see the film of Jesus and noted for themselves the difference between reality and the lies which have been told to them all their lives. He said he was disappointed with his religion of violence (islam). While they were showing the film jihadists attacked a security outpost nearby. The chief in the next village of Bolibana also expressed his appreciation for the film and said he wanted to visit with the pastor. A young man really enjoyed the real life of Jesus Christ and wanted them to return. In the third village the night before their outreach jihadists killed two men and kidnapped elders. I am not sure if they were able to do more than console and pray for them while they were there.

   Pastor Kasim continues to touch base with me and is still interested in reaching five more Pulaar villages. The very next day the remaining funds needed for his trip arrived. Praise God! Now we await more so we can send Mifta’s team to the Mandinka near Kayes, Mali; Fahad back to Garoua, Cameroon; Muhammad wants to reach ten villages with Pastor Isa in Guore, Niger; Tharwan Qasid has been hinting about reaching more Fula Jalon villages; and Ayouba is wanting to return to the field. I know the Lord asked us to pray for laborers to be sent into the harvest field, but our laborers who are available right now, are waiting on the Lord to send them into hostile, difficult areas to reach both geographically and culturally. Fahad reports he has finished a trip to three villages with almost 150 coming to Jesus as a result, again near Garoua. His enthusiasm continues as he had planned another mission less than 10 days later. I told him to wait in line for his chance and to give more notice next time.

   Pastor Cahil went with a pastor friend and a young man in training named Carlos who I met in The Gambia last January. They traveled a long distance east through Senegal and eventually landed in Salemata, east of Tambacounda and west of Kedougou. This trip was challenging. Their rented vehicle overheated numerous times requiring them to leave it in Tamba and take public transportation to Salemata. Then they rented motorbikes to get to the villages near there. Three villages reneged on their promise to let them come and minister there, causing them to have to adapt to a changing environment. The amount of fruit was limited, and the report is pending. As I contemplate the work of the Holy Spirit this year, I see there has been less fruit and more difficulty than ever before. I believe the Lord has us in a season of persevering through trial as He entrusts us with reaching out to more and more difficult places and peoples. Anyone can go to the cities and gather church crowds of thousands to hear the Word of God. Yet, we are called to go to “go out into the highways and along the hedges, and compel them to come in, so that my house may be filled”, Luke 14:23. The work has been difficult this year for sure. Despite this over 1,100 muslims made public decisions for Jesus in May. Thanks for bearing the burden with us.        

Going with you to the unknown, to make Him known,  

David and Paula Timm